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Current Restaurants / Eat n Park customer sets-up Go...
Last post by TheFugitive - Today at 11:23:59 AM
Here is a really nice story.  A customer at an Eat n Park location here in Pittsburgh noticed that her 81-year old waitress seemed to be struggling physically.  She chatted with her and the waitress said that she had to keep working because she simply could not afford to retire on her $900/month Social Security check.

Feeling bad for her this customer set-up a GoFundMe page to collect retirement funds for her.  As of this morning it has collected $250K!

Many of us have posted our experiences with obnoxious customers while working in retail.  But here's a story about a random customer that just has to make you smile.
Grocery Stores/Supermarkets / Re: Kroger acquiring Albertson...
Last post by TheFugitive - March 26, 2025, 08:55:24 AM
And Kroger is now countersuing Albertsons.

The only winners here are going to be the lawyers.  Certainly not the customers who will get stuck with the cost of this mess.
Other Current Retail / Dollar Tree sells Family Dolla...
Last post by TheFugitive - March 26, 2025, 08:53:32 AM
Dollar Tree has divested itself of the Family Dollar chain, selling it to a venture capital firm for $1 billion.

The current management of the Family Dollar division of Dollar Tree will stay on to run the new company.  It is unclear what will happen with the hybrid Dollar Tree/Family Dollar locations.

As it's rather evident that Dollar Tree has broken away from the single price point strategy the two chains look to increasingly become competitors in the future.  When you put that up against Dollar General it seems some sort of eventual shakeout is inevitable.
It seems constant pressure from both elected officials and local protesters has finally spurred the owners of this mall into fixing their roads.
Interesting. I never would've guessed that. There is a page dedicated to keeping track of Winn Dixie closures and conversions at It is updated very frequently.
Quote from: Crazybangles on March 21, 2025, 04:23:33 PM

Southeastern Grocers has decided to close 2 underperforming Winn Dixie stores, #433 in Phenix City, Alabama and #443 in Columbus, Georgia. These stores are not converting to Aldi and are instead permanently closing. #433 will close on May 11, 2025 and #443 will close on April 27, 2025. One store will remain open in the Columbus area, #439. It is not known if there will be any additional non-Aldi conversion closures.

Phenix City, Alabama is just across the Chattahoochee River from Columbus, Georgia.  I was through there last Summer.  Alabama is on Central Time so you lose an hour just by crossing the bridge into Georgia.
Miscellaneous Retail Stuff / Ocean State Job Lot acquiring ...
Last post by Retail Regents - March 22, 2025, 01:59:53 PM
Ocean State Job Lot has acquired the leases for 15 Big Lots, across eight different states. With this, they will also be expanding into two new states: Delaware and Maryland.
Department Stores / Re: Kohl's is contemplating te...
Last post by Crazybangles - March 21, 2025, 04:29:46 PM
I feel like they did this in an attempt to get more people into stores to increase their sales. It appears that it proved to be too popular and a Kohls store filled with Amazon customers really wasn't such a good idea after all.
Department Stores / Re: K-Mart
Last post by Crazybangles - March 21, 2025, 04:28:21 PM
At this moment, only 5 Kmart stores remain...

#3074 Miami, FL
#7705 Tamuning, GU
#3972 St. Croix, USVI
#3829 St. Thomas, USVI
#7793 St. Thomas, USVI

Besides the one in Guam, I don't see any real reason that these are staying open unless they are somehow doing that well.
Miscellaneous Retail Stuff / Re: Michigan judge orders shop...
Last post by Crazybangles - March 21, 2025, 04:25:38 PM
Now this is just hilarious. I'd love to see how this goes. I could see this not ending well.