The Mega Brands that Built America, retail edition

Started by TheFugitive, July 27, 2023, 02:59:53 PM

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The History Channel has launched a new series, The Mega Brands That Built America.  This is a spin-off in the same format of The Foods That Built America with historical re-enactments interspersed with commentary by various subject matter experts.

The episode this week was about Warehouse Clubs and mostly about Sol Price, the father of that retail format.  I learned a lot of very interesting things about his earlier history with the FedMart discount chain, how Sam Walton met him for dinner and picked his brain for ideas that he stole for Sam's Club, and how Costco had been started by a former protege who ended up merging companies with his old boss.

Verizon has past episodes of History Channel series available on demand.  If you are interested check and your cable system may have them too.