Is Most Wanted Terrorist a Pittsburgh Pirates fan?

Started by TheFugitive, March 02, 2015, 02:44:24 PM

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The ISIS terrorist known as Jihadi John, seen in videos staging brutal executions
of captives, has been identified as a 26 -year old British subject named Mohammed Emwazi.

Authorities have released a photo of him that was taken for his college ID.
I that photo he is wearing.....a Pittsburgh Pirates baseball cap!

Leaving aside for the moment why he would wear that when he was born in Kuwait, grew up in London, and is now on the run in northern Iraq....and that baseball is played in NONE of those places....

It had to make for a very rough week for the PR people at the Pirate front offices.  Responding to international press inquiries, issuing public condemnations, hanging-up on smart-alecky phone callers asking about a bobblehead night and the like. 

They had to be asking themselves things like "why couldn't he have been wearing a Yankees cap like everybody else?"  Nothing that could have been on their crisis management radar under any circumstances, I'd imagine.

Guess I had better make sure to leave my Buccos cap at home the next time I have to go to the airport.


According to any diehard Cincinnati Reds fan, a St. Louis Cardinals cap would have been much more fitting.
Proud to have been a member of this forum for 10 years.  Let's make it 10 more!


As a requirement of living in Detroit Tigers turf, a Chicago White Sox cap would be much more appropriate.


Okay folks I'm going to keep this thread open for another 24 hours and then I'm gonna shut it down.


Quote from: Marc B on March 03, 2015, 06:54:30 PM
Okay folks I'm going to keep this thread open for another 24 hours and then I'm gonna shut it down.

Sorry about that!  I thought it was an interesting story, but baseball fans are apparently
a little more rabid than I'd thought.