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Car accidents

Started by wwefan101, June 01, 2008, 10:52:33 AM

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sharse your storys about your car accidnets here and pics


The only major car accident I was in was when I was a little baby back around 83. Some woman ran a red light and slammed into my mom's Lincoln. We weren't hurt, but of course my mom was freaking out about her baby.

And I've had 2 minor ones right after I got my license last year. The very first day I went out I side-swiped my dad's car when I was pulling into the driveway. I mis-judged the space between his car and the tree. And I panicked and kept going putting a huge scape and dent in the side of his car. $2000 worth of damage to his car. My car just needed paint (which I still haven't had done more than a year later). For 6 month afterwards whenever both vehicles were in the driveway, I made my dad or mom park my car. Lucky for me I never had to pay for the damage to my dad's car. A used car dealer wanted his car so badly they took it as it was and just gave him $2000 less for it.

Two days later I was driving home from work and lightly rear-ended a lady at a red light. Apparently I didn't start slowing in time. No damage to either one of our cars. She was real nice and understanding about it. The police came and I got a WRITTEN WARNING for following too close.

What really boils my blood is that I could've avoided this whole accident if I had left work on time. I got out of work at 2PM. I cashed my paycheck at the service desk and then went to the bathroom in the Food Court. When I came out I saw a friend of mine was beginning his lunch break, so I sat there and began talking to him. I stayed there talking with him for his entire lunch break. So by time I left work it was really later than it should've been. If I had left work on time I would've never crossed paths with that woman.


i almost had one nare empier some one wasent waiteing to pull out

C. Fontaine


I've only been in one.  It was back in 2003, I was on lunch from work and on my way back, and this old guy turned left into a gas station in front of me and we hit head on.  His van spun around and landed on the curb.  The police cited him for failure to yield, and actually took him away in the cruiser because he was driving with expired plates.  I'll just say that the seat belt saved my life.  If I hadn't been buckled in, I probably would have died.

Ames" border="0

C. Fontaine

Same here, if I wansn't wearing my seat belt, I'd be dead.


damm   pepole need to learn to drive


I wish that truck drivers would learn to follow the rules of the road.  While I was in an accident in 1971, my daughter has been in 2 in less than 10 years.  The first was when a senior citizen pulled out into oncoming traffic, never looked once and caused a 8 car pile-up and then just drove away.

The other was a few years ago when a tractor-trailer pulled in front of her and her car plowed underneath and she was pulled to safety.  It took her 3 years to get behind the wheel again and still cannot drive next to a truck (nor can I) on the highway.

In each of these cases, the accident was caused by a cop (did I mention that in my case, he ran the red light??), a senior citizen and a truck driver.  While each case was different, each time the driver was not held accountable and no fabulous settlement (like you always hear about on the commercials by the ambulance chasers) was ever awarded to any of us.

Sorry to sound like sour grapes, but each of those accidents still makes me mad that our system won't truly go after the one who "caused" the accident.



QuoteOriginally posted by C. Fontaine
Same here, if I wansn't wearing my seat belt, I'd be dead.

I sure hope that you were OK afterwards, "unidentified driver of the Focus"!
Proud to have been a member of this forum for 10 years.  Let's make it 10 more!

C. Fontaine

Haha yeah, actually I stumbled out of it with only burns from the airbag!


I haven't actually been IN a car wreck, but I was up-close and personal with one just about 3 hours ago.  I was playing in the parking lot of an abandoned travel agency and heard a HUGE "CRASH".  I quickly looked at the side of the building facing the street; what I saw was horrifying.  A black Dodge Stealth (one of my favorite cars..sniff)  had run a stop sign and plowed into a Jeep Grand Cherokee's rear fender.  The Cherokee then flipped over only 1 or 2 times, landing on its roof.  As soon as I saw it I knew what I had to do.  I ran home as fast as I could, barged in the kitchen door and yelled to Mom to call 911.  The driver of the Stealth was probably at fault, and since he was teenage, he will probably have his license suspended (Ohio law).  The tiny amount of damage to the Dodge compared to the damage to the Jeep is amazing.  The lady driving the Cherokee was OK, but received a gash in her leg.  And yes, I got plenty of pictures!  :insane:
And one of the first things that I noticed was that the Jeep's airbag didn't even go off!!!
Proud to have been a member of this forum for 10 years.  Let's make it 10 more!


haha post the pics ift not email them to me at

C. Fontaine

Wow! I definitely want to see those!  This isn't a car wreck but we had some crazy thunderstorms here in Providence today.  Here's the scene off the Admiral St. exit on 146.  Believe it or not the water was actually higher, engulfing the entire parking lot next to Dunkin Donuts!


sweet  i like seeing storm pics to  my town of webster ma just got the hevey winds and some hevey rain but no major damage


one of my aim friends had an intresting accidnet whenshe was 16 she hit a fire hydent in worcster ma and got baught the er in a neckbrace but she wasent injured

wwefan101¤t=009-2.jpg" target="_blank">" border="0" alt="Photobucket">  one that  i seen


I ahd two bus incidents recently.

My bus was going down a very steep hill with a sharp turn at the bottom.  I don't think the driver slowed down enough, and in a few seconds we heard a noise like a blown tire.  We pulled over, but all the tires were intact; we then discovered that we'd broken a front spring.  It got erepaired, though :)
Proud to have been a member of this forum for 10 years.  Let's make it 10 more!


My 1992 Nissan Stanza was rear-ended by the driver of a Dodge Ram who had a heart attack in 1996.


In Sept. /2000 My brother was driving my car  (an 85 Sunbird) on Rt 61 in Pottsville,Pa (Schuylkill County). It's  was after midnight and he was hit by one our Ames drivers.  I looked down the road and there was an Ames trailer off the road. I loved that car!  My brother broke his nose, he hit his nose off the dash.  Other than that he was ok.


In 12/2004 I had one with my 95 chevy s-10. On the same road just about 6 or more miles north.  I was turning onto a side street when I was hit (just passed my back wheel).  I had my mother in the truck at the time,she had some back pain, but was ok.  The funny thing about it was my Brother accident happen by a Getty Station and mine also happen at the other Getty Gas staion .


any of u  put in a neckbrae  for your wrecks


heres what happend to my 99 civic when i took my eyes off the road to eat a bagel
Caldor Forever!

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C. Fontaine

Wow were you able to get that repaired?


as a dare i got one of  old neghbors kids to put on my neckbrace i got a pic of it  that i might post when i find it

wwefan101¤t=b48930589.jpg" target="_blank">" border="0" alt="anoying person car wreck?">  hes never been in a wreck  but i did talk him in to  wareing  the neckbrace  and  got him to walk over to the gas station in it


QuoteOriginally posted by C. Fontaine
Wow were you able to get that repaired?

yea cost me 3000 bucks though the guy i hit tryed to get money out of me though
Caldor Forever!

Caldor Ames Bradlees Jamesway Venture Woolwrth Montgomery Ward Service Merchandise Pergament Grand Union Macys Bloomingdales JC Penny Nordstrom Lord & Taylor Kohls Filene's Filene's Basment CVS H&M  Hot Topic staples Taregt Kmart Best Buy Borders Shop Rite Waldbaums Silo Nobody Beats The Wiz Lechmere Jefferson Ward Barkers Zayer Woolco Woolworth A&P Wendys Burger King Sub Way Henchgers Bulders Squre Lowes Clover Kaffmans Dillards Toy Works KB Toys Toys R Us Kids R Us Babies R Us Cost Co BJ's Amarican Egael Friendleys Ruby Tusday Chrismas Tree Shops Fun Co Land Discovery Zone Pharmore Filenes Basment TJ Maxx Home Goods Marshles Jordan Marsh Media Play Office Max Offc Depot Staples Rich's  JM Feilds Electric AVE & More Stop & Shop Price Chopper Sage & allen Ann & Hope Neman Marcus Pizza Hut Olive Gardan  Fortan Off Bed Bath & Beyond Spencers Foleys May C.O. Kaffmans Robson May Sakes Fith Ave Applebees KFC  Barns & Noble Big Lots ACE True Value  Sears Best Models Basken Robens Carvel TCBY Roy Rogers Starbucks Ben & Jerys CVS Ride Aid Strawbrigs Tower Records Pets Mart Annie Sez Party City Strawberries Dress barn Fashon Bug Huffman Koos Franks Nursey Banna Republic Tanno Turn Style TGY Two Guys Taco Bell Jo Ann Linenes & Things Tempo Sam Goody Syems  Howard Johnsons HQ Alexzanders Ikea Shaws Bobs Discount AC More Curit City Korvetties Gap Crate & Barrle Mrs Greens Chessecake Factory



i seen 2 good sized acidnts in the past 2 days pepole got to learn to drive


i think another truck tookout  a trafice light in the ceneter of my town  once again   hopefuley when they update the intersection they   set it up so trailer trucks can get tough it  safer  post pics of accidntes u have seen