Pet Peeves (AKA things that piss you off)

Started by Jag67, June 02, 2005, 06:13:24 PM

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QuoteOriginally posted by tokensafari
Now what??? Huh? Speak up! lol

lol well good things take time i saw how the sight looks now and i cant wait to see tehb etile side of it heh
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No matter how hard I try, I'm never going to me married to a model.

How my sister treats her CD's

outgrowing stuff

when people I don't know yell at me


People who take things too seriously (like sports)

Pete Townshend's overuse of the word "f**k"


QuoteOriginally posted by Jag67

when people I don't know yell at me


People who take things too seriously (like sports)

Lol, this sounds just like me. I am not athletic at all (although I do like riding my bike, walking, excercise machines, etc..) but gym class is a nightmare for me. Getting yelled at by dumb wiggers (and these very few people are so unintelligent academic-wise) who only think about sports is not fun. But, somehow, I have recieved A's the past 3 years in gym class :insane:


We only had to take Gym my freshman year. I hate being athletic. I prefer sittin in fron of my computer, exercising my brain.


QuoteOriginally posted by tokensafari
We only had to take Gym my freshman year. I hate being athletic. I prefer sittin in fron of my computer, exercising my brain.

Lucky lucky lucky. I have to take gym the next three years of high school for 90 minutes every day for one marking period (about 8 weeks)


Oh come on you can you all hate Gym class?  For one, it's exercise for a few hours a week.  And there really isn't anything wrong with doing something physical a couple of times per week.  Now that I'm out of college, working, and in grad school, all I do all day is sit at a computer.  From there, I go to class, sitting at a desk, and then come home...totally wiped out...and sit either at my PC here or on the couch.  I miss Gym for the simple fact that it actually forces you to be active.  

You don't need to be a gym class hero...but with the amount of overweight and obese kids today...there is nothing wrong with Gym.  We had to take it three times a week until I graduated high school.  I'm not accusing anyone here of being overweight, obese, etc...and I'm not also saying that you shouldn't want to also exercise your brain...but a smart head, on an artery clogged, unhealthy body, is pretty useless.

I think that being a bit older, I have a different perspective on this one than some of you guys.  There will always be the jocks in school...the kids who's dad's still play five summer sports, while the kids are part of every team at school and are basically ball hogs all during gym class.  You won't get rid of that.  But you know what, they are no better than you...and you really need to just let their insults or whatever roll off your back.  Those people aren't worth getting all in a tizzy about.  I love sports, and am very tall (so everyone assumes i play basketball, volleyball, and football)...but I'm a very big clutz just the same and my athletic ability is questionable at times.  Eventually I just learned to accept it and basically go to Gym and just run around and have fun.

You'll get more respect by just TRYING to do your best in Gym (just like in ANY class) than by hating the class and trying your best to do your worst.

Okay...I'm off my soapbox...;)


Stupid Rules that are irrelivant to society, braces, ignorant people.


I think it's great for kids to get excersize (excuse my poor spelling) and I'm not obese or overweight either. But....IT SUCKS!!!!!


State's shouldn't force kids to participate in PE and the like.


2 words- FORBIDDEN MESSAGES!!!!:flaming:


gas prices, President Bush, the hurricane, etc.


Gas Prices... most definately. Thank God for 4-Bangers


George Bush

When I'm coinhunting with my metal detector and all I dig up are pull-tabs and cans.

That exposed-ceiling warehouse-type crap Mal-Wart uses (I can understand The Home Dorkpot doing that, but not Sprawl-Mart)


How I somehow manage to break/come close to breaking everything expensive I own.

How my hair looks like s**t untill right after the end of the school day.

When my hair over-curls and looks like crap

White people imitating black people

Any and all sports

How just because I'm a teen people automatically assume I look at bad sites at 2 AM and have a stash of Playboys under my bed (Which of course I don't)

When hott girls ignore me

I don't own The Beatles album Revolver

There's only 2 hott girls in my school

How hott girls automatically find me repulsive


hear are a lil more pet peeves

When your princble give your dad a nasty look cause
of something u did

when my school trys to get involsed with my personl life

when u look at someone from behind and they trun aroun to have a ugly face

when  u wait online to go cheackout your merchanfdise and right when u get there they close the line

being single

when my tecahers make big deal out of something

Hvaeing to wait 6 more mounths to go back to a normel school

my tecahers have tlaked to my students online before (witch i find creepy)
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