Pet Peeves (AKA things that piss you off)

Started by Jag67, June 02, 2005, 06:13:24 PM

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Is there anything that really ticks you off? please list them here...:roll:

1. When a girl looks really hott from the behind and then she turns around and shes really ugly

2. Wal-mart

3. Howard Leese left Heart
4. boy bands

5. I don't have a girlfriend

6. Just because I don't like when people go in my room my sister thinks I have nasty mags and stuff hidden under my bed or something (which I don't)

7. When my principal makes me get a haircut

8. How I weighed a lot at the beginning of the school year when class pictures were taken and then lost it later so I look really weird and different

8. None of my friends like the same music I like

9. how my all friends hate The Who just because
they're "old"

10. I don't have "Bad Animals" on CD

11. when old stores get remodeled

12. How the class bully thinks I have long hair just because everyone else does

13. When somebody keeps nagging me to say something just so they can get all p'd off at me

14. The conversations the girls in my class have with eachother

15.  There's only 1 really hott girl in my class

16.  When the tape breaks off the reel inside a videotape, so you have to take the whole thing apart

17. when my best friend Matt's in a bad mood

18. Most pop songs

19. Chrysler getting rid of the pentastar

20. When I cant walk with the one hott girl in to class because another guy already is

21. When they show some crappy movie on ABC Family instead of "Whose Line is it Anyway"?

22. Keith Moon died before i was born

23. One of Nancy Wilson's sweet quitar solos is missing on the CD version of "If Looks Could kill"

23. It's not the 70's anymore

24. it's not the 80's anymore

25. Our convention center was built only 27 years ago and beople are already saying it's ugly

26. Being the only 13 year old with a turntable, a CD player made in 1986, and a reciever made in 1982


Actually, the reason why the "new' chrysler logo is so dated is because it was used back in the 20's and 30's. To tell the truth, the pentastar says "chrysler" to me much more than the wings. Plus, it's ugly. The pentastar is still used for the 5-star thing AND can still be seen on the windows on all chrysler cars, up to this day. Ever since chrysler has been phasing them out, I've been hoarding everything pentastar. Hood ambems (taken from the fire hall prectice cars), parts w/ it, anything with the pentastar...MINE!!! Even though the pentastar has been around since the 60's it seems very 80's ish to me..

BUT let's stay on subject!!! More pewt peeves-

1. How nasty record theatre (local music store) has become- they now sell XXX movies and posters.

2. The who have not released an album since 1982

3. Gaining weight very easily

4. love stories

5. musicals

6. I can't play guitar

7. My drum kit is like 20-something years old

8. heavy metal

9. cheese puffs make you fat

10. The place where i take drum lessons is in a rough neighborhood

11. People who think the ghetto is cool

12. The who sound so much better live than in the studio

13. How I act like a COMPLETE IDIOT in school and mess up on everything I say

14. My grades

15. most teachers

16. Being desperate for a girl

17. How when they stereotype men on commercials/TV nobody cares but when they stereotype women everybody makes a big deal out of it

18. Feminists

19. how the sound of tom-toms vary from drum kit to drum kit

20. The 60's

21. War

22. Girls with no bangs in their hairdos

23. Getting yelled at/threatened by somebody you don't even know

24.  The amount of bloopers in Pee Wee's big Andventure

25. No more new REAL Whose line is it Anyway? episodes

26. Guys who turn hott girls down

27. Rap

28. When people threaten to call the cops at me just because I'm looking at their car, house, etc.

29. People who jump to conclusions

30. Girls who hate guys but try to look hott for them anyway

31. When a part on a model kit doesnt fit and it ruins the whole thing

32. commercials that will try anything to get your attention

33. love

34. Girls who only think famous guys are hott

35. My favorite song was released 18 years ago

36. Ever since DVD's came out, they've been phasing out VHS tapes, but DVD's are more expensive so now I'm forced to pay $20 for a movie

37. Summer reading programs

38. being forced to read (see above)

39. I have 2 camcorders and can't use either of them because the batteries are both dead and I can't buy new ones because theyre not made anymore

40. Getting chased away from the fire hall practice cars by some very crabby old guy

41. When people sound nice at first, but then they start to sound meaner and you then realize theyre yelling at you and you didnt even know

42. People who actually care about stupid things

43. Crabby old people (see no. 40)

44. Crabby old people yelling at me (see no. 40 and 43)


Here are my pet peeves:

When someone says something bad about Albany or my intrests.

Not being able to live in Albany(at least for now. Hopefully I'll be able to when I'm older).

Living in Kingston(I hate Kingston).

my old school.

getting sick or not feeling well.

Not having a girlfriend.

Not being able to travel the country, or at least, the Northeast.

when kids bully me.

The fact that Howard Johnson's is seeping into non exsistance, and no one is bothering to save it, or at least try to.

the fact that General Motors discontinued the Chevrolet Caprice Classic(my favorite car).

when my pictures don't come out right.


girls are just soooooo unattainable lol..:roll:


QuoteOriginally posted by Jag67
Is there anything that really ticks you off? please list them here...:roll:25. Our convention center was built only 27 years ago and beople are already saying it's ugly

Come on Jag...our convention center IS ugly!  It's one of the worst pieces of architecture in Buffalo.  It sits like a windowless cinderblock right in the center of Downtown.  It, along with the Hyatt addition to the Genesee Building, and the Main Place Mall, have all helped to ruin the radial street pattern designed by Joseph Ellicott when laying out the original city of Buffalo.  Then of course, Metro Rail...shutting down Main Street to vehicular traffic...that was another fantastic move.  What were they thinking?


lol...But I do like the inside of the convention center, even though it hasn't been remodeled since it's opening in 1978. I mean seriously, the place looks EXACTLY the same as when they used to have discos there (my dad went to a few of them). I'm not saying it's good looking, I'm just saying it's weird that it's considered ugly when it's still fairly new. i must admit though, it ain't pretty.


I've seen that convention center. It is indeed ugly. And it does seem kinda pointless that they closed off the majority of Main Street in Downtown, for a rail car. Does Buffalo really even need one of those? lol


I'm pretty sure that people considered it ugly in the 70's as well.  There are some pretty big, ugly, structures in and around downtown from that time (60's and 70's).  Most notably, in my opinion, would be that convention center, the Main Place Mall and One HSBC Center (a.k.a. One Marine Midland Center).  On the other hand, you also got a beauty like One M&T Plaza in the mid-60's.  The convention center going right into the middle of the street pattern made no sense.  It was one more time where inept local leadership (business leaders, union leaders, political leaders, all of them) made a back-asswards decision that we continue to suffer with for decades.  

Oh, speaking of ugly buildings, how about the ENTIRE UB campus in Amherst.  Ugh!  :barf:

As for the metro rail...well, supposedly, it's usage numbers are some of the best of any subway/rail system in the nation when you base it upon the total number of passengers divided by the total miles of the system.  But it's a pretty useless method to go anywhere if you don't live right near it.  It runs for about 6 miles either on the surface of Main Street or just below it.  Why they never continued it to the North Campus of UB, the Amherst/Tonawanda area, the Airport, or the southtowns, is just a mystery to everyone.  Closing off Main Street was just wrong.  It's called Main Street for a reason.  It's the MAIN street!  You don't close off the MAIN street in a community to traffic!  

Interestingly enough, the original plan was to actually put a roof over Main Street from around the HSBC Center all the way to Chippewa Street, creating an indoor mall along the once thriving retail section of Main Street.  Of course that never occured, but it would have been a huge mall!  Before the rail line, there were at least six major department stores along Main Street still operating along with countless other businesses, offices, restaurants, shops, and a full-functioning mall.  Aside from the offices and some condominiums in one of the old stores, most everything else is gone.  A handful of shops and restaurants are still there, but it's a mostly dead corridor since the rail line was opened.


heheh..couldn't agree more. Before the metro rail was constructed (1979-1984?) Main Street was dead as a doornail, save a few flea markets and adult stores (and AM&A's, kleinhans, etc.). when metro was built, it all came back....for a while. but then the novelty woree off, and now it's worse than before. No all the big dept. stores are closed, we have a dead mall way passed it's prime, another  abandoned mall shuttered since the 80's, and a dead Burger king with a boarded up window and smashed ceiling tiles on the floor. Yipee. In my opinion, closing off vehicular traffic to main st. Was a VERY bad Idea, it basically killed off kleinhans, Bergers, and the downtown AM&A's.

ps- Jmn3, do you know when the main st. burger king was built and when it closed? you can see a pic of it on the Burger King page in the restaurant section.


Here are some of my pet peeves:

My Sears store probably being the smallest in Canada

Supermarkets that sells kids clothing and microwaves

Department stores that sells food

The crappy lower intake gasket on my engine

Wal-Mart is opening a store in my town

Roads with bumps and cracks

Road work

Traffic jams because of roadwork

High gas prices

GM reminding me of Kmart when it bankrupted

All GM cars could have been introduced 3 years earlier

The Yahoo-Geocities file manager

The 25 years it took to extend the highway to my town

The ugly parking garage at the Downtown Plaza


They could've definetaly done a better job wth the Downtown Buffalo area. I don't live in Buffalo, but i've been there enough times to notice the lousy traffic pattern they have. You get diverted onto other streets(I think they're Delaware, Genessee, and another street that I don't remember the name of). Something needs to be done, or greatly improved.


QuoteOriginally posted by Jag67
heheh..couldn't agree more. Before the metro rail was constructed (1979-1984?) Main Street was dead as a doornail, save a few flea markets and adult stores (and AM&A's, kleinhans, etc.). when metro was built, it all came back....for a while. but then the novelty woree off, and now it's worse than before. No all the big dept. stores are closed, we have a dead mall way passed it's prime, another  abandoned mall shuttered since the 80's, and a dead Burger king with a boarded up window and smashed ceiling tiles on the floor. Yipee. In my opinion, closing off vehicular traffic to main st. Was a VERY bad Idea, it basically killed off kleinhans, Bergers, and the downtown AM&A's.

ps- Jmn3, do you know when the main st. burger king was built and when it closed? you can see a pic of it on the Burger King page in the restaurant section.

Not sure about the BK.  I think the old McD's on Main Street is being renovated.  Last I heard it was being purchased by some architectural firm.  I know BK and McD's have both been closed for many years.  Not really sure about the dates.

I would definitley not say that Main Street was dead as a doornail before MetroRail's construction.  To the contrary, it was a busy street with businesses of all kinds.  In the 70's, you had major department stores like Hengerer's, Hens & Kelly, AM&A's, and Sattler's, along with the smaller "big" stores like LL Berger, Kleinhans, Ulbrich's (a local chain of fairly large stationary stores), FW Woolworth, and plenty of specialty shops.  We also had the headquarters of Marine Midland Bank, M&T, The Big E (a.k.a. Erie County Savings Bank and then Empire of America), Buffalo Savings Bank (a.k.a. Goldome Bank), National Fuel, Blue Cross of WNY, and loads of other businesses.  Then for about 5 years in the early 80's, you had total chaos on Main Street.  Imagine all of these stores and businesses trying to do business while the street gets closed, torn apart, and train tracks get installed.  It was a real mess of barrells and cones and dust for years.  Once the dust settled, you had this real clean street with no traffic...vehicular or pedestrian!  Many of the stores were victims of the times...not just Main Street's closure...same with the businesses - the climate for businesses to stay in business just isn't available in New York, esp. in a city like Buffalo.  Nonetheless, we are now going to spend 50+ million dollars to spend the next ten years trying to figure out a way to have Main Street share space with cars and trains.


Yes, that's right, the McDonalds is being renovated, which is good because the place was uglier than an ostrich. It must've been closed for years, because I didn't even know it was a McD's untill a pedestrian told me. All that was left was the trademark McD's red and yellow.

We went down to see Hurcules on Ice in 97 or 98 and the burger king was still open then, but I believe it closed somewhere between 1997-99. My friend mr, prise says it's bewen closed for about 8 years. It's very rough, I mean TRASHED..It's a rare 2-story burger king...Kids have broken into it and vandalized it and messed up the tables, chairs, etc. and there is ceiling tile everywhere..It's too bad.


hear are some of mine

1 My School

2 Show Off

3 its not the 1990's anymore

4 its not the 1980's anymore

5 Wal Mart

6 Caldor is gone

7 fearing Dept stores might go out of bizz in the furter

8 fearing malls will end someday

9 my teacher

10 not haveing a life

11 being 17

12 hating the decade were in

13 realty TV

14 sea food

15 Service Merchandise is gone
Caldor Forever!

Caldor Ames Bradlees Jamesway Venture Woolwrth Montgomery Ward Service Merchandise Pergament Grand Union Macys Bloomingdales JC Penny Nordstrom Lord & Taylor Kohls Filene's Filene's Basment CVS H&M  Hot Topic staples Taregt Kmart Best Buy Borders Shop Rite Waldbaums Silo Nobody Beats The Wiz Lechmere Jefferson Ward Barkers Zayer Woolco Woolworth A&P Wendys Burger King Sub Way Henchgers Bulders Squre Lowes Clover Kaffmans Dillards Toy Works KB Toys Toys R Us Kids R Us Babies R Us Cost Co BJ's Amarican Egael Friendleys Ruby Tusday Chrismas Tree Shops Fun Co Land Discovery Zone Pharmore Filenes Basment TJ Maxx Home Goods Marshles Jordan Marsh Media Play Office Max Offc Depot Staples Rich's  JM Feilds Electric AVE & More Stop & Shop Price Chopper Sage & allen Ann & Hope Neman Marcus Pizza Hut Olive Gardan  Fortan Off Bed Bath & Beyond Spencers Foleys May C.O. Kaffmans Robson May Sakes Fith Ave Applebees KFC  Barns & Noble Big Lots ACE True Value  Sears Best Models Basken Robens Carvel TCBY Roy Rogers Starbucks Ben & Jerys CVS Ride Aid Strawbrigs Tower Records Pets Mart Annie Sez Party City Strawberries Dress barn Fashon Bug Huffman Koos Franks Nursey Banna Republic Tanno Turn Style TGY Two Guys Taco Bell Jo Ann Linenes & Things Tempo Sam Goody Syems  Howard Johnsons HQ Alexzanders Ikea Shaws Bobs Discount AC More Curit City Korvetties Gap Crate & Barrle Mrs Greens Chessecake Factory


hears some more

Having to go to school during the summer

haveing verey few friends because of my school

myu schools summer program

My teachers when they chat about how great there lives are

My Teacher saying shes god

Goping to a Privest school

Missing out on my teen years

not going to a public school

Pairs Hiltion
MY Friens thinking the music i like is old even though i listien to stuff from the 80's and 90's

Theres No more good music these days

when u meet someone whos good looking and they say we have nothing in commen

When u get dumped for calling someone 5 mins late

when your in a pool changing room and some fat person walks right by u naked

fearing that im nevre gonna have a socile life

My Bad Spelling

stores closing one by one

Home depot tearing down a whole mall or a bulding to make one stupit store

Home Depot expanding

when someone pretends to be your friend

when u tell your best friend of 9 years something u dont want him or her to tell anyoinne and u thing u can trust them and they end up telling evrey one

The Clear View School(my horrble school)
Caldor Forever!

Caldor Ames Bradlees Jamesway Venture Woolwrth Montgomery Ward Service Merchandise Pergament Grand Union Macys Bloomingdales JC Penny Nordstrom Lord & Taylor Kohls Filene's Filene's Basment CVS H&M  Hot Topic staples Taregt Kmart Best Buy Borders Shop Rite Waldbaums Silo Nobody Beats The Wiz Lechmere Jefferson Ward Barkers Zayer Woolco Woolworth A&P Wendys Burger King Sub Way Henchgers Bulders Squre Lowes Clover Kaffmans Dillards Toy Works KB Toys Toys R Us Kids R Us Babies R Us Cost Co BJ's Amarican Egael Friendleys Ruby Tusday Chrismas Tree Shops Fun Co Land Discovery Zone Pharmore Filenes Basment TJ Maxx Home Goods Marshles Jordan Marsh Media Play Office Max Offc Depot Staples Rich's  JM Feilds Electric AVE & More Stop & Shop Price Chopper Sage & allen Ann & Hope Neman Marcus Pizza Hut Olive Gardan  Fortan Off Bed Bath & Beyond Spencers Foleys May C.O. Kaffmans Robson May Sakes Fith Ave Applebees KFC  Barns & Noble Big Lots ACE True Value  Sears Best Models Basken Robens Carvel TCBY Roy Rogers Starbucks Ben & Jerys CVS Ride Aid Strawbrigs Tower Records Pets Mart Annie Sez Party City Strawberries Dress barn Fashon Bug Huffman Koos Franks Nursey Banna Republic Tanno Turn Style TGY Two Guys Taco Bell Jo Ann Linenes & Things Tempo Sam Goody Syems  Howard Johnsons HQ Alexzanders Ikea Shaws Bobs Discount AC More Curit City Korvetties Gap Crate & Barrle Mrs Greens Chessecake Factory


Man, your PP's are a lot like mine!!

Buying something from the thrift store that doesnt work

Summer Reading

Girls who talk about nothing but clothes

my old camera pooped out after 5 years

Keith Moon is dead

How I have to use cassettes for making copies of albums because I cant burn for crap

ALL the hott girls I know either hate me, have boyfriends already, or like other girls

knowing that either my reciever or my cassette deck are gonna break soon because theyre so old

The scary wallpaper in the Wards and Penneys stores at Dixie Square (Allthough I kinda like it too)

My mom and sister are leaving to go to Hel-Mart right now

Adults who tell me I don't act my age (I'm 14 friggin years old and people are telling me to act like an adult. Ummm, no.)


I get the "you don't act like your age" thing, i just take it in stride I also don't like getting weird looks and stuff when i tell people i am into old stores, like ames, bradlees, hills, etc... it irritates the living day lights out of me! :flaming:


most of my problems are about my school lol
Caldor Forever!

Caldor Ames Bradlees Jamesway Venture Woolwrth Montgomery Ward Service Merchandise Pergament Grand Union Macys Bloomingdales JC Penny Nordstrom Lord & Taylor Kohls Filene's Filene's Basment CVS H&M  Hot Topic staples Taregt Kmart Best Buy Borders Shop Rite Waldbaums Silo Nobody Beats The Wiz Lechmere Jefferson Ward Barkers Zayer Woolco Woolworth A&P Wendys Burger King Sub Way Henchgers Bulders Squre Lowes Clover Kaffmans Dillards Toy Works KB Toys Toys R Us Kids R Us Babies R Us Cost Co BJ's Amarican Egael Friendleys Ruby Tusday Chrismas Tree Shops Fun Co Land Discovery Zone Pharmore Filenes Basment TJ Maxx Home Goods Marshles Jordan Marsh Media Play Office Max Offc Depot Staples Rich's  JM Feilds Electric AVE & More Stop & Shop Price Chopper Sage & allen Ann & Hope Neman Marcus Pizza Hut Olive Gardan  Fortan Off Bed Bath & Beyond Spencers Foleys May C.O. Kaffmans Robson May Sakes Fith Ave Applebees KFC  Barns & Noble Big Lots ACE True Value  Sears Best Models Basken Robens Carvel TCBY Roy Rogers Starbucks Ben & Jerys CVS Ride Aid Strawbrigs Tower Records Pets Mart Annie Sez Party City Strawberries Dress barn Fashon Bug Huffman Koos Franks Nursey Banna Republic Tanno Turn Style TGY Two Guys Taco Bell Jo Ann Linenes & Things Tempo Sam Goody Syems  Howard Johnsons HQ Alexzanders Ikea Shaws Bobs Discount AC More Curit City Korvetties Gap Crate & Barrle Mrs Greens Chessecake Factory


hear are some more of mine lol

when someone pays with a cheack online and tehy take tehre sweet time

being in the 2000's

there no more good music anymore

when people u dont like copy how u dress or look

when my school says it better for me to work at a slowe pace when there no need for me to

all of the kids at my school

when u date someone u lioke and they say i dont think i can do this or i dont think it will work out

trying to become famouse someday but nothing seems to work out for me

when someone says they sing better then me

the teacher i have at my school
Caldor Forever!

Caldor Ames Bradlees Jamesway Venture Woolwrth Montgomery Ward Service Merchandise Pergament Grand Union Macys Bloomingdales JC Penny Nordstrom Lord & Taylor Kohls Filene's Filene's Basment CVS H&M  Hot Topic staples Taregt Kmart Best Buy Borders Shop Rite Waldbaums Silo Nobody Beats The Wiz Lechmere Jefferson Ward Barkers Zayer Woolco Woolworth A&P Wendys Burger King Sub Way Henchgers Bulders Squre Lowes Clover Kaffmans Dillards Toy Works KB Toys Toys R Us Kids R Us Babies R Us Cost Co BJ's Amarican Egael Friendleys Ruby Tusday Chrismas Tree Shops Fun Co Land Discovery Zone Pharmore Filenes Basment TJ Maxx Home Goods Marshles Jordan Marsh Media Play Office Max Offc Depot Staples Rich's  JM Feilds Electric AVE & More Stop & Shop Price Chopper Sage & allen Ann & Hope Neman Marcus Pizza Hut Olive Gardan  Fortan Off Bed Bath & Beyond Spencers Foleys May C.O. Kaffmans Robson May Sakes Fith Ave Applebees KFC  Barns & Noble Big Lots ACE True Value  Sears Best Models Basken Robens Carvel TCBY Roy Rogers Starbucks Ben & Jerys CVS Ride Aid Strawbrigs Tower Records Pets Mart Annie Sez Party City Strawberries Dress barn Fashon Bug Huffman Koos Franks Nursey Banna Republic Tanno Turn Style TGY Two Guys Taco Bell Jo Ann Linenes & Things Tempo Sam Goody Syems  Howard Johnsons HQ Alexzanders Ikea Shaws Bobs Discount AC More Curit City Korvetties Gap Crate & Barrle Mrs Greens Chessecake Factory


Today's day in time, the Way things look. Memories being torn down.


When things just don't work out

Crappy all-electronic instrument pop music

Anything that's popular

Buying an R-rated movie not knowing it's rated R and then having to wait 2-3 years to watch it Short hair

short hair on girls

Paul Mcartney pretending to play the guitar at the super bowl

my mom wont let me watch a movie in front of my sister's stupid friends unless it's rated G (except Napoleon Dynamite)

Everything is so damn expensive nowadays

There's no such thing as a "perfect" sexy single girl-all either have boyfriends or are b****es

stupidly buying an elecrtronic from the thrift store without testing it and finding it broken

Elton John is the most overrated singer on earth

"Only a Northern Song" is the greatest Beatles song ever yet nobody knows about it.

Psychedelia is/was awesome yet it was inspired by drugs

The scary wallpaper in dixie Square that keeps me up at night.

eerie music

losing/wasting money

most teachers

anybody and I mean ANYBODY who has a perfect life

That mellow voice people talk in when theyre in a good mood

when I'm dubbing a video and something goes wrong so I have to starty the whole tape over again.



QuoteOriginally posted by 76BraldorZayKamesfanBBTB
Is this the convention center you're talking about?

That's the one...


Yes it does- but it's RETRO!! The insides (or outside) haven't been touched since it's construction in 1978. The only thing they did was replace the bathroom signs.

Back to subject!!

Nobody knows about The beatles' best song ("Only a Northern Song")

Finding a really rare but broken bottle.

Currently going thru puberty

That scary redhead on the psychedelic Dixie Wards wallpaper


errors of forbidden  

people who dont care about peole that work for them cause theyre worried about the money they make so they can be one of the so-called "big shots of town"   pride

politics in mass and those stupid lying brainwashing two faced flip glopping liverals of this state and from this state i washington and others from the other states
Caldor,Steigers,Wt Grant,Zayre,Woolco,
Woolworth,Sears,K-Mart,JC Penny,Target,
Wal-Mart,Child World,Pondersoa,Shop Rite
,Big Y,Winn-Dixie.Syop And Shop,Toys R Us
,Arby's,Howard Johnson's,Holiday Inn
,Sheraton Inn,Double D Dairy Bar,
Friendly's,Dunkin Dounuts,Wendy's,
Burger King.MCdonald's


Those damn "forbidden" messages!!

Finding broken antique bottles down at the creek

school starting in 2 weeks

waking up late and missing the 3 Stooges on TV

How my VCR randomly eats tapes

Having to constantly manage my weight so I don't become fat


i hear your vcr calling

 it s  hungry ........

for anotherr tape hahahahahahaha
Caldor,Steigers,Wt Grant,Zayre,Woolco,
Woolworth,Sears,K-Mart,JC Penny,Target,
Wal-Mart,Child World,Pondersoa,Shop Rite
,Big Y,Winn-Dixie.Syop And Shop,Toys R Us
,Arby's,Howard Johnson's,Holiday Inn
,Sheraton Inn,Double D Dairy Bar,
Friendly's,Dunkin Dounuts,Wendy's,
Burger King.MCdonald's


JCPenney's back to school commericals...UGH they're AWFUL!


C. Fontaine

Sloooooower than molasses development of certain websites such as!:mrpink: