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Started by store215, January 05, 2005, 07:25:31 PM

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this says target in akron near the closing toys r us will close!! target opens a lot stores, but not closes any.

Posted on Wed, Jan. 11, 2006
National chains closing stores to cut costsToys``R''Us eliminates 73Akron will lose Rolling Acres site; Target also exiting weak retail zoneBy Mary EthridgeBeacon Journal business writerToys``R''Us Inc. is closing 73 stores nationwide, including its longtime location on Romig Road in Akron.
It is also converting 12 Toys``R''Us stores to its Babies``R''Us format, according to a news release issued by the New Jersey-based company.
This most recent attempt to streamline operations at the chain retailer marks the latest blow to Akron's struggling Rolling Acres retail corridor.
Last month, Target Corp. said it was closing its store in the Rolling Acres Mall, bringing the shopping center's occupancy rate well below 50 percent.
The Toys``R''Us closings will be completed in the spring after inventory liquidation sales, said company spokeswoman Kelly Cullen. About 3,000 jobs nationwide are being eliminated, with about 50 of those jobs at the Romig Road store. Some laid-off employees will be offered jobs at other stores. Those not offered jobs will be given severance pay, she said.
Toys``R''Us will continue to operate three stores in the Akron-Canton region -- on Howe Avenue in the Chapel Hill area of Akron; on Springside Drive in the Montrose area of Copley Township; and on Whipple Avenue Northwest in the Belden Village area of Jackson Township.
Dave Lietz, economic development manager for the city of Akron, said the closing of Toys``R''Us puts a key piece of Rolling Acres real estate into play.
City officials have made no secret of their desire to shift the area's economic mix to include more light industrial and office tenants. To that end, he said, the city is willing to consider proposals for nonretail use of that property and other Romig Road sites.
The Rolling Acres corridor has been moving slowly to more wholesale and office/industrial use. For instance, Regency Inc., an office supply distributor, moved into the former Ames building on Romig Road earlier in the year.
Rolling Acres Mall, the two-story shopping centerpiece on Romig Road, has been for sale for months. Broker Jennifer Fernandez of NAI Cummins said she has received a lot of interest from developers who want to change the mall to a mixed-use facility. Negotiations with a potential buyer are still under way, she said, although she declined to give details.
The mall's sale has been complicated by multiple ownerships. Smaller stores inside the mall are owned by the Whichard family of North Carolina, but four of the five anchor stores have other owners.
Last month, Target Corp. said it would shut down its store at Rolling Acres Mall at the end of February, and open a new store six miles away, in Wadsworth, the next day. That may give any potential buyer of the mall more flexibility in shaping the future of the facility.
This week's announcement of store closings by Toys``R''Us did not come as much of a surprise to industry watchers. The chain has long been in a fierce price war with Wal-Mart Stores Inc.
In March last year, Toys``R''Us was purchased by two private equity firms, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. and Bain Capital, along with Vornado Realty Trust of New York. At the time, analysts predicted the chain would close more than 100 of its 950 stores.


here is the target in the kingston hudson valley mall in new york. it was added to the mall in 2001.



here is the target in new hartford new york in the sangertown mall and it opened in 2002 or 2003 in a original bradlees. it is 126,000 square feet.



here is the target in the hampshire mall in hadley mass. it opened in october 2003 and is 126,000 square feet and replaced the former 91,000 square foot kmart.



Salt Lake City, UT
Defunct Stores of My Past: Ernst/Buttrey Food & Drug/Bi-Lo IGA/Excell Foods/Hennessy's/Mervyns/Troutman's Emporium/B. Dalton/Circuit City/Best/The Bon Marche/Montgomery Ward/Malmo Nursery/United Furniture Warehouse/Future Shop/HomeBase/KB Toys/Pic 'n' Save/Tidyman's/Heilig-Meyers/Mac's Hobby & Craft


There is a multi level Target store in Stamford, CT. It consists of two floors on top of a four story garage in the center of downtown. It's a pretty cool store, although it is VERY SMALL compared to many other Target stores and parking costs $1.00 for the first two hours. Nevertheless, it's worth a visit.


QuoteOriginally posted by Anonymous
There is a multi level Target store in Stamford, CT. It consists of two floors on top of a four story garage in the center of downtown. It's a pretty cool store, although it is VERY SMALL compared to many other Target stores and parking costs $1.00 for the first two hours. Nevertheless, it's worth a visit.

ive seen it before a verey nice target thats why i like them they dont take up to much space and they have nice thinsg unliek wal mart
Caldor Forever!

Caldor Ames Bradlees Jamesway Venture Woolwrth Montgomery Ward Service Merchandise Pergament Grand Union Macys Bloomingdales JC Penny Nordstrom Lord & Taylor Kohls Filene's Filene's Basment CVS H&M  Hot Topic staples Taregt Kmart Best Buy Borders Shop Rite Waldbaums Silo Nobody Beats The Wiz Lechmere Jefferson Ward Barkers Zayer Woolco Woolworth A&P Wendys Burger King Sub Way Henchgers Bulders Squre Lowes Clover Kaffmans Dillards Toy Works KB Toys Toys R Us Kids R Us Babies R Us Cost Co BJ's Amarican Egael Friendleys Ruby Tusday Chrismas Tree Shops Fun Co Land Discovery Zone Pharmore Filenes Basment TJ Maxx Home Goods Marshles Jordan Marsh Media Play Office Max Offc Depot Staples Rich's  JM Feilds Electric AVE & More Stop & Shop Price Chopper Sage & allen Ann & Hope Neman Marcus Pizza Hut Olive Gardan  Fortan Off Bed Bath & Beyond Spencers Foleys May C.O. Kaffmans Robson May Sakes Fith Ave Applebees KFC  Barns & Noble Big Lots ACE True Value  Sears Best Models Basken Robens Carvel TCBY Roy Rogers Starbucks Ben & Jerys CVS Ride Aid Strawbrigs Tower Records Pets Mart Annie Sez Party City Strawberries Dress barn Fashon Bug Huffman Koos Franks Nursey Banna Republic Tanno Turn Style TGY Two Guys Taco Bell Jo Ann Linenes & Things Tempo Sam Goody Syems  Howard Johnsons HQ Alexzanders Ikea Shaws Bobs Discount AC More Curit City Korvetties Gap Crate & Barrle Mrs Greens Chessecake Factory


here is the 126,000 square foot target in hooksett nh that opened in march 2003



Here are shots of the Targets in East Grenbush (Top) and the former Mohawk Mall site (Bottom) - taken 2/27/06 - both built from scratch


QuoteOriginally posted by ameskmart1
Urban Target located in Vermaport, VA

the one in nashua in the pheasant lane mall is the same way with the baskets going down the escalators



QuoteOriginally posted by d_fife
here is the target in valley stream ny and it was a caldor


i never knew that target took over a fromer caldor im so use to seeing kohls doing that
Caldor Forever!

Caldor Ames Bradlees Jamesway Venture Woolwrth Montgomery Ward Service Merchandise Pergament Grand Union Macys Bloomingdales JC Penny Nordstrom Lord & Taylor Kohls Filene's Filene's Basment CVS H&M  Hot Topic staples Taregt Kmart Best Buy Borders Shop Rite Waldbaums Silo Nobody Beats The Wiz Lechmere Jefferson Ward Barkers Zayer Woolco Woolworth A&P Wendys Burger King Sub Way Henchgers Bulders Squre Lowes Clover Kaffmans Dillards Toy Works KB Toys Toys R Us Kids R Us Babies R Us Cost Co BJ's Amarican Egael Friendleys Ruby Tusday Chrismas Tree Shops Fun Co Land Discovery Zone Pharmore Filenes Basment TJ Maxx Home Goods Marshles Jordan Marsh Media Play Office Max Offc Depot Staples Rich's  JM Feilds Electric AVE & More Stop & Shop Price Chopper Sage & allen Ann & Hope Neman Marcus Pizza Hut Olive Gardan  Fortan Off Bed Bath & Beyond Spencers Foleys May C.O. Kaffmans Robson May Sakes Fith Ave Applebees KFC  Barns & Noble Big Lots ACE True Value  Sears Best Models Basken Robens Carvel TCBY Roy Rogers Starbucks Ben & Jerys CVS Ride Aid Strawbrigs Tower Records Pets Mart Annie Sez Party City Strawberries Dress barn Fashon Bug Huffman Koos Franks Nursey Banna Republic Tanno Turn Style TGY Two Guys Taco Bell Jo Ann Linenes & Things Tempo Sam Goody Syems  Howard Johnsons HQ Alexzanders Ikea Shaws Bobs Discount AC More Curit City Korvetties Gap Crate & Barrle Mrs Greens Chessecake Factory


QuoteOriginally posted by Caldor1999
QuoteOriginally posted by d_fife
here is the target in valley stream ny and it was a caldor


i never knew that target took over a fromer caldor im so use to seeing kohls doing that

OOO it did, as far as I know target took over caldors in saugus mass, some place in new jersey and there: there may be a few others that TArget took over caldors.

well Kohl's did take over at least 32 in 2000. most of those areas had another discount store within 5 miles away and Kohl's wanted to set foot in our region


Target took over a Caldor (and breifly a Bradlee's that didn't even last a year) in Philadelphia.


QuoteOriginally posted by MBZ321
Target took over a Caldor (and breifly a Bradlee's that didn't even last a year) in Philadelphia.

bradlees onmly took over only 2 locations in early 2000 just barley a year before there bankrupcie in a way im not suprized they went out alot of there stores were dirty and outdated and they just couldent compeat with a newley bult wal marts openg up in there locations but anyway i think target makes a good replacet for caldor they also sell brads of clouthing that caldor sold and they have teh same out look on there stores thyats why i like target
Caldor Forever!

Caldor Ames Bradlees Jamesway Venture Woolwrth Montgomery Ward Service Merchandise Pergament Grand Union Macys Bloomingdales JC Penny Nordstrom Lord & Taylor Kohls Filene's Filene's Basment CVS H&M  Hot Topic staples Taregt Kmart Best Buy Borders Shop Rite Waldbaums Silo Nobody Beats The Wiz Lechmere Jefferson Ward Barkers Zayer Woolco Woolworth A&P Wendys Burger King Sub Way Henchgers Bulders Squre Lowes Clover Kaffmans Dillards Toy Works KB Toys Toys R Us Kids R Us Babies R Us Cost Co BJ's Amarican Egael Friendleys Ruby Tusday Chrismas Tree Shops Fun Co Land Discovery Zone Pharmore Filenes Basment TJ Maxx Home Goods Marshles Jordan Marsh Media Play Office Max Offc Depot Staples Rich's  JM Feilds Electric AVE & More Stop & Shop Price Chopper Sage & allen Ann & Hope Neman Marcus Pizza Hut Olive Gardan  Fortan Off Bed Bath & Beyond Spencers Foleys May C.O. Kaffmans Robson May Sakes Fith Ave Applebees KFC  Barns & Noble Big Lots ACE True Value  Sears Best Models Basken Robens Carvel TCBY Roy Rogers Starbucks Ben & Jerys CVS Ride Aid Strawbrigs Tower Records Pets Mart Annie Sez Party City Strawberries Dress barn Fashon Bug Huffman Koos Franks Nursey Banna Republic Tanno Turn Style TGY Two Guys Taco Bell Jo Ann Linenes & Things Tempo Sam Goody Syems  Howard Johnsons HQ Alexzanders Ikea Shaws Bobs Discount AC More Curit City Korvetties Gap Crate & Barrle Mrs Greens Chessecake Factory


QuoteOriginally posted by Caldor1999
QuoteOriginally posted by MBZ321
Target took over a Caldor (and breifly a Bradlee's that didn't even last a year) in Philadelphia.

bradlees onmly took over only 2 locations in early 2000 just barley a year before there bankrupcie in a way im not suprized they went out alot of there stores were dirty and outdated and they just couldent compeat with a newley bult wal marts openg up in there locations but anyway i think target makes a good replacet for caldor they also sell brads of clouthing that caldor sold and they have teh same out look on there stores thyats why i like target

my dad and I were not surprised either because hardly anyoen was in their stores even around vetrans day and 6 weeks after my mom said I do not think bradlees will be around much longer, the news came of bradlees going out. they were getting bad at the stuff they specialized in: housewears.

now back to TArget. TArget is thriving now and I like target better than wal-mart they have higher quality stuff
 which target design do you like beter, the new or old ones.


Does anyone understand what the "Greatland" suffix means? Of all the Targets around me, New Britain is host to the only "Greatland" version and I have no idea of what it means.
All submitted photos were taken by myself unless stated otherwise.
Our Photos On Flickr


QuoteOriginally posted by XISMZERO
Does anyone understand what the "Greatland" suffix means? Of all the Targets around me, New Britain is host to the only "Greatland" version and I have no idea of what it means.

I live in Newington and know of the New Britain Target. It's not exactly a regular Target and not a Super Target. It is much bigger than a regular Target with much more selection and variety. I find more when I go there than the Newington store.


QuoteOriginally posted by XISMZERO
Does anyone understand what the "Greatland" suffix means? Of all the Targets around me, New Britain is host to the only "Greatland" version and I have no idea of what it means.

The Greatland stores tend to have more clothes, and a larger pantry area, but that is pretty much it. Stuff is a little less cramped compared to a regular Target.

I think the purpose of these stores was to built so they could be converted to a SuperTarget (because both Stores are about the same size, have the double entrances and all) one day. (The two Greatland stores near me also have a Giant (PA) supermarket in the same center.

Not too many differences in terms of exterior appearance:


Supertarget layout:


QuoteOriginally posted by MBZ321
Supertarget layout:

Very Cool. Thanks for Sharing!!


does the target in milford, ct have an indoor mall entrance?


Yes, the Target store in Milford, CT does have an indoor mall entrance. It's kinda cool...You don't see many discount stores like Target and Wal-mart as anchors to indoor malls. They did a nice job constructing that end of the mall..As far as I know, there is a sports store, book store, and a megaplex theatre.


QuoteOriginally posted by Anonymous
Yes, the Target store in Milford, CT does have an indoor mall entrance. It's kinda cool...You don't see many discount stores like Target and Wal-mart as anchors to indoor malls. They did a nice job constructing that end of the mall..As far as I know, there is a sports store, book store, and a megaplex theatre.
Target uslay ancors in malls and they always have a entrance when wal mart dose itthey just teardow the old store that was there and dont put ascuess tyo the mall
Caldor Forever!

Caldor Ames Bradlees Jamesway Venture Woolwrth Montgomery Ward Service Merchandise Pergament Grand Union Macys Bloomingdales JC Penny Nordstrom Lord & Taylor Kohls Filene's Filene's Basment CVS H&M  Hot Topic staples Taregt Kmart Best Buy Borders Shop Rite Waldbaums Silo Nobody Beats The Wiz Lechmere Jefferson Ward Barkers Zayer Woolco Woolworth A&P Wendys Burger King Sub Way Henchgers Bulders Squre Lowes Clover Kaffmans Dillards Toy Works KB Toys Toys R Us Kids R Us Babies R Us Cost Co BJ's Amarican Egael Friendleys Ruby Tusday Chrismas Tree Shops Fun Co Land Discovery Zone Pharmore Filenes Basment TJ Maxx Home Goods Marshles Jordan Marsh Media Play Office Max Offc Depot Staples Rich's  JM Feilds Electric AVE & More Stop & Shop Price Chopper Sage & allen Ann & Hope Neman Marcus Pizza Hut Olive Gardan  Fortan Off Bed Bath & Beyond Spencers Foleys May C.O. Kaffmans Robson May Sakes Fith Ave Applebees KFC  Barns & Noble Big Lots ACE True Value  Sears Best Models Basken Robens Carvel TCBY Roy Rogers Starbucks Ben & Jerys CVS Ride Aid Strawbrigs Tower Records Pets Mart Annie Sez Party City Strawberries Dress barn Fashon Bug Huffman Koos Franks Nursey Banna Republic Tanno Turn Style TGY Two Guys Taco Bell Jo Ann Linenes & Things Tempo Sam Goody Syems  Howard Johnsons HQ Alexzanders Ikea Shaws Bobs Discount AC More Curit City Korvetties Gap Crate & Barrle Mrs Greens Chessecake Factory


QuoteOriginally posted by Caldor1999
QuoteOriginally posted by Anonymous
Yes, the Target store in Milford, CT does have an indoor mall entrance. It's kinda cool...You don't see many discount stores like Target and Wal-mart as anchors to indoor malls. They did a nice job constructing that end of the mall..As far as I know, there is a sports store, book store, and a megaplex theatre.
Target uslay ancors in malls and they always have a entrance when wal mart dose itthey just teardow the old store that was there and dont put ascuess tyo the mall

did target replace the caldor? The malls they are in are: pheasant lane mall in nashua, independence mall in kingston mass, hudson valley mall in kingston mass, crystal run mall in middletown, poughkeepsie galleria, eastview mall in Victor NY, Berkshire mall in mass, Liberty Tree mall in DAnvers, watertown mall (it is a smaller mall), HOlyoke mall, pyramid mall in ithaca, palisades mall, enfield square mall, Ct post mall,  Aviation mall in queensbury, rumors of one in the champlain center in plattsburgh and other malls in the US. I wonder if they will come in the overlapping malls in the sears merger.

how come some areas have a target a few miles apart: Latham and Northway mall in NY and Palisades mall and Spring Valley New york and Orange and Milford Ct

I love the new target look.


here is the target in topsham maine that opened early march 2006.


QuoteOriginally posted by Anonymous
here is the target in topsham maine that opened early march 2006.

that was me who posted this target in topsham in the picture above. here is more of it.


QuoteOriginally posted by d_fife
QuoteOriginally posted by Anonymous
here is the target in topsham maine that opened early march 2006.

that was me who posted this target in topsham in the picture above. here is more of it.

here is more target topsham