
Here's an update I took while on my way back from an abandoned Stuart's shopping center. In recent years, this former Ames's glass has only been half full. A thriving and surprisingly clean and up to date Save-a-Lot has occupied the space closest to Dollar Tree for the last few years. When I first saw the BD's discount sign from Rte. 6, my first thought was that maybe Dollar Tree kicked the bucket, because the thought of two dollar stores next to each other seemed kind of pointless.

Alas, Dollar Tree was still there, packed as usual. It appears they finally found a tenant for the other side, BD's Discount. Going in for a closer look through the glass, it was all your typical dollar store junk and party favors lining the walls. One intriguing thing I've noticed about this Ames over the years is the large column located directly in front of the entrance doors, and why did they erect it after Ames's departing.

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