
After sorting through some of my old photos, I came across my old Abington pics, and realised we had missed some crucial receiving signs, two! Having seen this Ames posted on Flickr before, I wasn't even sure if they were still there, or already hijacked by someone. On a spur of the moment, and hoping to hit 2 signs with one screwdriver, I headed out the next day. About an hour later we arrived at our destination. The plaza, like I remembered it, was now completely abandoned. Like most others, we were expecting to see some random cars or garbage scattered, but no, not a soul in sight. Almost completely surrounded by trees, you could steal the power lines and demolish the building and no one would notice.

So we headed around to the side and I went to work. The red sign came off without a hitch, although it was so faded at first we thought it was already gone. The Green one though, obviously wasn't ready to leave its home turf and was glued to the wall with what seemed like 200 pounds of rubber cement. Eventually, after minutes of pulling and prying it came up and off.

With two signs now in the bag (trunk) we took some perimeter pictures of the area. At some point, due to the rain my lens got droplet on it, thus messing up my focus in some pictures. On a positive note, I noticed that the land lord to this plaza had repaired the broken storefront glass, just as they were doing roof work during my last visit. After surveying the vast, lonely parking lot, and finding a lone golf shoe placed on the base of a light pole, we headed home.

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