
Arriving in Naugatuck the first thing to catch my eye was that OSJL had taken Ames's spot on the plaza sign, no big deal. But after getting to the plaza I found that they had actually moved across the plaza and into the Ames space as well! I was pretty dissappointed at the fact I would be ending our Search and Rescue trip empty handed. For the hell of it anyway Gizmo and I took a swing around back, and after surveying the graffiti on the walls I saw a rectangular half-painted sign next to their trailer! Acting against my better judgement and knowing that the store was active I grabbed my screwdriver and asessed the sign. While doing so I could hear people behind the door so I had to work quick. Luckily the sign only had 2 screws, and within a minute it was off and in my back seat. Going back around the plaza I decided to venture into Ames and see what had become of the place. This Ames was gigantic. OSJL couldn't even use up all the space, they put up pegboard walls on two sides of the store to create more storage space, and still everything was very spread out! After that we got some Quiznos down the street and headed back to 84 feeling good that we had at least one sign to take home.

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