Dollar Tree considers selling or spinning-off Family Dollar stores

Started by TheFugitive, June 06, 2024, 10:56:53 AM

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A marriage made in heaven, not so much.  What was once seen as a saving growth opportunity for both chains has flatlined, and now Dollar Tree is reportedly considering selling off or separating it's Family Dollar stores to go back to concentrating on their core business.

This seems not unlike the Sears-Kmart merger that was supposed to save both but saved neither.  In my own experience living through the Ames-Zayre merger we were taking on a lot of headaches which, if they ever were going to produce increased profits those were years out in the future.  What really happened was that we got our elbows into the Zayre stores and realized their situation was WAY worse than we had been told.

This does signal potential closures or remodels for the hybrid Family Dollar/Dollar Tree locations.


Unless they do some kind of "franchise" for those, much like there are still Taco Bell/Long John Silver's combination restaurants even though the company sold off LJS many years ago now.