New Gallup poll ranks Connecticut dead last in job creation

Started by TheFugitive, February 13, 2015, 08:51:26 AM

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I know many of you on this board live in Connecticut, and have talked about your
struggles in finding employment.

Obviously you are not alone.

Here's hoping things turn up in the Nutmeg State soon.


There are a lot of job issues all over the place. Not just Connecticut. Most it comes from companies with stupid requirements.

A sales job requiring a College Degree.

Positions for Waitstaff requiring 4 or 5 years experience. I remember when people used to get jobs as waiters or waitresses while in high school.

Companies not willing to train you. - Last year I went to a hiring event for a new Dollar Tree store. The lady who interviewed me told me "It's good that I have cashiering experience, but  we can not hire you because you have no experience stocking shelves." ---- Really? I may have ever had to stock shelves as part of any of my retail jobs, but how hard can it be? I know several people who stock shelves at grocery stores and other stores such as Walmart - and it's not that difficult to do. It's not like you need a "Stocking Shelves Degree" from a college. One of my friends who stocks shelves told what he does. - Old Product goes in front. New product goes in the back. He removes damaged merchandise from the shelf and straightens the products out.  Is that really a hard thing to do? - I don't think so.


Sorry you had that experience.  What a totally bogus excuse!   >:(

Only time I ever heard of such a distinction being made between stocking shelves
and ringing on register was when I was a kid working at a Shop & Save grocery
store (the union contract actually drew a strict line between the two)

I remember after I graduated from college and was working part-time selling VCR's
in a mall I interviewed with Phar-Mor for a management job.  The guy drove down
from their headquarters in Youngstown, Ohio to interview me at a hotel in Pittsburgh.
He sat me down and proceeded to tell me that I did not have enough experience.

I said "Excuse me, but I am not in the habit of lying on my resume.  The experience that
you see there is exactly the experience that I've had.  So, may I ask, why did you drive
over an hour from Youngstown to come here and interview me?"

He got very quiet.  Did not have an answer apparently.

Then I pointed out to him that their newspaper ad did not specify any particular
level of experience.  That following Sunday they had rewritten the ad.