Name that Television star

Started by HoJofan206, July 02, 2007, 11:22:21 PM

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And yes, Kudo's to beachgal26 for getting and correcting herself on the TJ Hooker pic.  :duh:


Actuaully TWO major characters are missing from the picture above.  Can you name all SEVEN?  Bonus question, what was the name of the show the first season it was on tv?  It changed names after season one.


QuoteOriginally posted by HoJofan206
Can you name the show, ALL the character names AND who is the only major character missing from the picture? :huh:

save by the bell i dont know all there names but your missing the guy that played slater idk if i spelled his name right i use to watch this back int he early early 90's i hate it when people call it an 80's show when its really not and your missing anouther girl as well
Caldor Forever!

Caldor Ames Bradlees Jamesway Venture Woolwrth Montgomery Ward Service Merchandise Pergament Grand Union Macys Bloomingdales JC Penny Nordstrom Lord & Taylor Kohls Filene's Filene's Basment CVS H&M  Hot Topic staples Taregt Kmart Best Buy Borders Shop Rite Waldbaums Silo Nobody Beats The Wiz Lechmere Jefferson Ward Barkers Zayer Woolco Woolworth A&P Wendys Burger King Sub Way Henchgers Bulders Squre Lowes Clover Kaffmans Dillards Toy Works KB Toys Toys R Us Kids R Us Babies R Us Cost Co BJ's Amarican Egael Friendleys Ruby Tusday Chrismas Tree Shops Fun Co Land Discovery Zone Pharmore Filenes Basment TJ Maxx Home Goods Marshles Jordan Marsh Media Play Office Max Offc Depot Staples Rich's  JM Feilds Electric AVE & More Stop & Shop Price Chopper Sage & allen Ann & Hope Neman Marcus Pizza Hut Olive Gardan  Fortan Off Bed Bath & Beyond Spencers Foleys May C.O. Kaffmans Robson May Sakes Fith Ave Applebees KFC  Barns & Noble Big Lots ACE True Value  Sears Best Models Basken Robens Carvel TCBY Roy Rogers Starbucks Ben & Jerys CVS Ride Aid Strawbrigs Tower Records Pets Mart Annie Sez Party City Strawberries Dress barn Fashon Bug Huffman Koos Franks Nursey Banna Republic Tanno Turn Style TGY Two Guys Taco Bell Jo Ann Linenes & Things Tempo Sam Goody Syems  Howard Johnsons HQ Alexzanders Ikea Shaws Bobs Discount AC More Curit City Korvetties Gap Crate & Barrle Mrs Greens Chessecake Factory


Screetch- Dustin Diamond
Kelly - Tiffany Amber Thiessen
Jesse - Elizabeth Berkely
Zack - Mark Paul Gossaler
Mr. Belding - Dennis Hasikins


Slater - Mario Lopez
Lisa - Lark Voohries
Tori - Leanna Creel (season 4)

The was called "Save by the Bell' and was later named "Saved by the Bell the college years"


QuoteOriginally posted by HoJofan206
Actuaully TWO major characters are missing from the picture above.  Can you name all SEVEN?  Bonus question, what was the name of the show the first season it was on tv?  It changed names after season one.

It was Good Morning Miss Bliss
Defunct Stores of My Past: Ernst/Buttrey Food & Drug/Bi-Lo IGA/Excell Foods/Hennessy's/Mervyns/Troutman's Emporium/B. Dalton/Circuit City/Best/The Bon Marche/Montgomery Ward/Malmo Nursery/United Furniture Warehouse/Future Shop/HomeBase/KB Toys/Pic 'n' Save/Tidyman's/Heilig-Meyers/Mac's Hobby & Craft


QuoteOriginally posted by scottw73
Screetch- Dustin Diamond
Kelly - Tiffany Amber Thiessen
Jesse - Elizabeth Berkely
Zack - Mark Paul Gossaler
Mr. Belding - Dennis Hasikins


Slater - Mario Lopez
Lisa - Lark Voohries
Tori - Leanna Creel (season 4)

The was called "Save by the Bell' and was later named "Saved by the Bell the college years"

they chaged it to the new save by the bell witch ran till 1999 and yes they did also have the college years as well
Caldor Forever!

Caldor Ames Bradlees Jamesway Venture Woolwrth Montgomery Ward Service Merchandise Pergament Grand Union Macys Bloomingdales JC Penny Nordstrom Lord & Taylor Kohls Filene's Filene's Basment CVS H&M  Hot Topic staples Taregt Kmart Best Buy Borders Shop Rite Waldbaums Silo Nobody Beats The Wiz Lechmere Jefferson Ward Barkers Zayer Woolco Woolworth A&P Wendys Burger King Sub Way Henchgers Bulders Squre Lowes Clover Kaffmans Dillards Toy Works KB Toys Toys R Us Kids R Us Babies R Us Cost Co BJ's Amarican Egael Friendleys Ruby Tusday Chrismas Tree Shops Fun Co Land Discovery Zone Pharmore Filenes Basment TJ Maxx Home Goods Marshles Jordan Marsh Media Play Office Max Offc Depot Staples Rich's  JM Feilds Electric AVE & More Stop & Shop Price Chopper Sage & allen Ann & Hope Neman Marcus Pizza Hut Olive Gardan  Fortan Off Bed Bath & Beyond Spencers Foleys May C.O. Kaffmans Robson May Sakes Fith Ave Applebees KFC  Barns & Noble Big Lots ACE True Value  Sears Best Models Basken Robens Carvel TCBY Roy Rogers Starbucks Ben & Jerys CVS Ride Aid Strawbrigs Tower Records Pets Mart Annie Sez Party City Strawberries Dress barn Fashon Bug Huffman Koos Franks Nursey Banna Republic Tanno Turn Style TGY Two Guys Taco Bell Jo Ann Linenes & Things Tempo Sam Goody Syems  Howard Johnsons HQ Alexzanders Ikea Shaws Bobs Discount AC More Curit City Korvetties Gap Crate & Barrle Mrs Greens Chessecake Factory


Many of you were correct with this one!  Both Mario Lopez and Lark Voorhies are missing from the picture (not sure why):huh:

The original season has a female teacher main character and the show was called "Good Morning Miss Bliss".  

Starting with season two, two of the original cast members were dropped and a few new ones were added.  Starting with season two the show was called, "Saved by the Bell".

A second set of "kids" were brought in in the later 1990's to replace the original cast once they went to the night time "college" show.  

All in all, I think anyone that grew up in the 1990's fondly remembers this series from Every Saturday morning. And bonus points to whomever mentioned Tori Spelling from season 4.

Good Job by all of you!!


Here is the next one:

This former child actress was on this family sitcom in the late 1970's early 1980's.  Sadly she passed away from a drug overdose in the mid 1990's.  Can you name her real name, the show she was on, and what she was most known for doing (outside of show business)


QuoteOriginally posted by HoJofan206
Here is the next one:

This former child actress was on this family sitcom in the late 1970's early 1980's.  Sadly she passed away from a drug overdose in the mid 1990's.  Can you name her real name, the show she was on, and what she was most known for doing (outside of show business)

diffrent strokes ?? dana pludo i think that su spell her name

and she was known for robbing a louqer store or a videor store in 1991  lol im pobrley wrong
Caldor Forever!

Caldor Ames Bradlees Jamesway Venture Woolwrth Montgomery Ward Service Merchandise Pergament Grand Union Macys Bloomingdales JC Penny Nordstrom Lord & Taylor Kohls Filene's Filene's Basment CVS H&M  Hot Topic staples Taregt Kmart Best Buy Borders Shop Rite Waldbaums Silo Nobody Beats The Wiz Lechmere Jefferson Ward Barkers Zayer Woolco Woolworth A&P Wendys Burger King Sub Way Henchgers Bulders Squre Lowes Clover Kaffmans Dillards Toy Works KB Toys Toys R Us Kids R Us Babies R Us Cost Co BJ's Amarican Egael Friendleys Ruby Tusday Chrismas Tree Shops Fun Co Land Discovery Zone Pharmore Filenes Basment TJ Maxx Home Goods Marshles Jordan Marsh Media Play Office Max Offc Depot Staples Rich's  JM Feilds Electric AVE & More Stop & Shop Price Chopper Sage & allen Ann & Hope Neman Marcus Pizza Hut Olive Gardan  Fortan Off Bed Bath & Beyond Spencers Foleys May C.O. Kaffmans Robson May Sakes Fith Ave Applebees KFC  Barns & Noble Big Lots ACE True Value  Sears Best Models Basken Robens Carvel TCBY Roy Rogers Starbucks Ben & Jerys CVS Ride Aid Strawbrigs Tower Records Pets Mart Annie Sez Party City Strawberries Dress barn Fashon Bug Huffman Koos Franks Nursey Banna Republic Tanno Turn Style TGY Two Guys Taco Bell Jo Ann Linenes & Things Tempo Sam Goody Syems  Howard Johnsons HQ Alexzanders Ikea Shaws Bobs Discount AC More Curit City Korvetties Gap Crate & Barrle Mrs Greens Chessecake Factory


QuoteOriginally posted by Caldor1999

diffrent strokes ?? dana pludo i think that su spell her name
and she was known for robbing a louqer store or a videor store in 1991  lol im pobrley wrong

Yes. Different Strokes. Correct. She was arrested in 1991 for robbing a video store. And again in 1992 for forging a valium persciption. Proper Spelling is Dana Plato.


You were correct Caldor1999 and thank you Marc82 for correctly spelling the name.

Here is the next one:

This actress played on a VERY POPULAR show that ran from 1969 to 1975.  Can you name her?  Her character name?  The name of the show?  AND her signature saying from the show?


eve plumb, played jan brady from the brady bunch, and her saying was "Marsha,Marsha,Marsha!!"


Gotta hand it to ya HoJo. You had me stumped with that photo, and after seeing the Answer, I should have known!! Keep it up!! You have a good Thread going!!


Yes, please keep up the good work!  This is alot of fun (especially for us oldies but goodies that remember these shows when they originally ran!)

:insane:    :insane:   :insane:


Awesome job Scottw73!  You were four for four on Eve Plumb.

And thank you Powersbt and Beachgal26 for your kind words.

When trying to come up with a thread I wanted to come up with something that ALL of us could partake in, mixing in some 70's, 80's AND 90's trivia for everyone of all ages to enjoy partaking in.  I have just as much researching stuff for you all to guess and so far NONE of you have let me down!
As long as you all keep guessing and answering, I will keep posting!  :-)


Here is the next one:

This actress played on a light-hearted comedy from 1984 to 1988 and won over the hearts of millions.  Can you name her real name, the character she played and the name of the show?


Yikes!  Got any more clues??

:huh:   :huh:


I admit, this is a tough one, I will post a picture from the time of the show. (It will prolly give it away!)


Soleil Moon Frye who played Punky Brewster on the show Punky Brewster


QuoteOriginally posted by frameguy2704
Soleil Moon Frye who played Punky Brewster on the show Punky Brewster

she also played on sabrina the teenaged witch from 2000 to 2003
Caldor Forever!

Caldor Ames Bradlees Jamesway Venture Woolwrth Montgomery Ward Service Merchandise Pergament Grand Union Macys Bloomingdales JC Penny Nordstrom Lord & Taylor Kohls Filene's Filene's Basment CVS H&M  Hot Topic staples Taregt Kmart Best Buy Borders Shop Rite Waldbaums Silo Nobody Beats The Wiz Lechmere Jefferson Ward Barkers Zayer Woolco Woolworth A&P Wendys Burger King Sub Way Henchgers Bulders Squre Lowes Clover Kaffmans Dillards Toy Works KB Toys Toys R Us Kids R Us Babies R Us Cost Co BJ's Amarican Egael Friendleys Ruby Tusday Chrismas Tree Shops Fun Co Land Discovery Zone Pharmore Filenes Basment TJ Maxx Home Goods Marshles Jordan Marsh Media Play Office Max Offc Depot Staples Rich's  JM Feilds Electric AVE & More Stop & Shop Price Chopper Sage & allen Ann & Hope Neman Marcus Pizza Hut Olive Gardan  Fortan Off Bed Bath & Beyond Spencers Foleys May C.O. Kaffmans Robson May Sakes Fith Ave Applebees KFC  Barns & Noble Big Lots ACE True Value  Sears Best Models Basken Robens Carvel TCBY Roy Rogers Starbucks Ben & Jerys CVS Ride Aid Strawbrigs Tower Records Pets Mart Annie Sez Party City Strawberries Dress barn Fashon Bug Huffman Koos Franks Nursey Banna Republic Tanno Turn Style TGY Two Guys Taco Bell Jo Ann Linenes & Things Tempo Sam Goody Syems  Howard Johnsons HQ Alexzanders Ikea Shaws Bobs Discount AC More Curit City Korvetties Gap Crate & Barrle Mrs Greens Chessecake Factory


You are both correct Frameguy2704 and Caldor1999!

Here is the next one:

This man was on a night time crime series from the mid 1980's to the early 1990's.  Sadly, he passed away a few years ago.  Can you name him and the show?


Robert Stack, and he was the Host of Unsolved Mysteries. Also was one of the many stars in the Movie Airplane!


WOW, that was way too fast Powersbt!  Good job!

Here is the next one:

Can you name all 3 of these characters real names, character names and the name of the show?  :huh:


Jaclyn Smith (Kelly Garrett)
Farrah Fawsett-Majors(Jill Munroe)
Kate Jackson(Sabrina Duncan) she was also on "Scarecrow and Mrs King"
Charlie(john Forsythe) * not Pictured
John Bosley(Jack Doyle)* not Pictured

The Show was Charlie's Angels which ran on ABC from 1976-1981)


Wow, Scott knows his Angels!!  Good job.

Here is the next one:

Can you name these two "ladies", their characters and the name of the show?


QuoteOriginally posted by HoJofan206
Wow, Scott knows his Angels!!  Good job.

Here is the next one:

Can you name these two "ladies", their characters and the name of the show?

 one of them is tom hanks lol thats all i know
Caldor Forever!

Caldor Ames Bradlees Jamesway Venture Woolwrth Montgomery Ward Service Merchandise Pergament Grand Union Macys Bloomingdales JC Penny Nordstrom Lord & Taylor Kohls Filene's Filene's Basment CVS H&M  Hot Topic staples Taregt Kmart Best Buy Borders Shop Rite Waldbaums Silo Nobody Beats The Wiz Lechmere Jefferson Ward Barkers Zayer Woolco Woolworth A&P Wendys Burger King Sub Way Henchgers Bulders Squre Lowes Clover Kaffmans Dillards Toy Works KB Toys Toys R Us Kids R Us Babies R Us Cost Co BJ's Amarican Egael Friendleys Ruby Tusday Chrismas Tree Shops Fun Co Land Discovery Zone Pharmore Filenes Basment TJ Maxx Home Goods Marshles Jordan Marsh Media Play Office Max Offc Depot Staples Rich's  JM Feilds Electric AVE & More Stop & Shop Price Chopper Sage & allen Ann & Hope Neman Marcus Pizza Hut Olive Gardan  Fortan Off Bed Bath & Beyond Spencers Foleys May C.O. Kaffmans Robson May Sakes Fith Ave Applebees KFC  Barns & Noble Big Lots ACE True Value  Sears Best Models Basken Robens Carvel TCBY Roy Rogers Starbucks Ben & Jerys CVS Ride Aid Strawbrigs Tower Records Pets Mart Annie Sez Party City Strawberries Dress barn Fashon Bug Huffman Koos Franks Nursey Banna Republic Tanno Turn Style TGY Two Guys Taco Bell Jo Ann Linenes & Things Tempo Sam Goody Syems  Howard Johnsons HQ Alexzanders Ikea Shaws Bobs Discount AC More Curit City Korvetties Gap Crate & Barrle Mrs Greens Chessecake Factory


Peter Scolari who played Henry Desmond and Tom Hanks who played Kip Wilson on Bosom Buddies


Frameguy2704 does it again!  

Here is the next one:  

Can you name these two guys and what show they played on for ONE season.  Do you know what year they were on and why?:huh:


Byron Cherry (Coy Duke)
Christopher Mayer (Vance Duke)
The Dukes of Hazzard

The replaced John Schnieder and Tom Wopat for  the 1982-1983 season when they left in a dispute over their salaries and royalties


QuoteOriginally posted by powersbt
Robert Stack, and he was the Host of Unsolved Mysteries. Also was one of the many stars in the Movie Airplane!

Sorry to hi-jack this thread, but I heard HBO is producing new episodes of Unsolved Mysteries, but it won't air on their network. Some of the new episodes will feature updates of old cases.