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Started by AmesNewington, May 29, 2007, 03:33:18 PM

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Picture of a Goodwill location near me on Banksville Road in Pittsburgh.


I'm not a fan of goodwill for a few reasons.

1. They get leftovers that other stores couldn't sell then turn around and jack the price up more that what the other store was trying to sell them for, it's like hello they obviously weren't selling at the other store why would you try and charge more for it.
2. If you are actually broke and can't afford stuff you can usually get it cheaper at a regular retail store in the clearance section and on top of it the item is new instead of being used and half wore out.
3. It stinks, then again I have been in a sears and a jc penny that actually smelt worse so nevermind.

I'm not saying Goodwill is horrible obviously they do a lot of good for people and the community I just think the amount of good they do is vastly exaggerated and their is much better ways of helping the community.

Okay really I'm just upset that I never find anything cool or interesting at my local Goodwill's  :(


There is a new Goodwill store under construction in West Mifflin, PA, just across the
parking lot from what was the Service Merchandise store where I worked in the mid-90's.

This was the site of a Busy Beaver home center which was hastily torn-down after
suffering some sort of catastrophic structural failure.  This is just up the hill from the
Salvation Army Superstore I have posted about previously.

There is plenty of vacant retail space in the area.  The fact that they chose to
build from the ground-up is therefore interesting.


I have only been the Southington Goodwill once...Salvation Army is more popular here.
My Flickr

In the backcountry of Connecticut (aka Willimantic)


Quote from: JJBers on October 16, 2017, 01:16:50 PM
I have only been the Southington Goodwill once...Salvation Army is more popular here.

3 Salvation Army stores in the Central CT area (maybe more) closed own. New Britain, Bristol, and West Hartford. If I want used books I buy them at Goodwill or Savers.  I don't trust anything except books from those types of stores any more. XMAS 2015 I bought one of my Mom's Christmas presents at Savers and it didn't even survive the car ride home from Bristol to Southington. It was a tiny little rocking chair I bought her for one of her bears. She collects bears.


Quote from: Brammy on October 16, 2017, 05:48:56 PM
Quote from: JJBers on October 16, 2017, 01:16:50 PM
I have only been the Southington Goodwill once...Salvation Army is more popular here.

3 Salvation Army stores in the Central CT area (maybe more) closed own. New Britain, Bristol, and West Hartford. If I want used books I buy them at Goodwill or Savers.  I don't trust anything except books from those types of stores any more. XMAS 2015 I bought one of my Mom's Christmas presents at Savers and it didn't even survive the car ride home from Bristol to Southington. It was a tiny little rocking chair I bought her for one of her bears. She collects bears.
Same here, I would rather shop at Wal-Mart than at a slavation army. But if I want to find a off-market game for my PS2 or possibly even my SNES, I might go there.
My Flickr

In the backcountry of Connecticut (aka Willimantic)


Quote from: zonemad96 on July 12, 2017, 06:36:23 PM
I'm not a fan of goodwill for a few reasons.

1. They get leftovers that other stores couldn't sell then turn around and jack the price up more that what the other store was trying to sell them for, it's like hello they obviously weren't selling at the other store why would you try and charge more for it.
2. If you are actually broke and can't afford stuff you can usually get it cheaper at a regular retail store in the clearance section and on top of it the item is new instead of being used and half wore out.
3. It stinks, then again I have been in a sears and a jc penny that actually smelt worse so nevermind.

I'm not saying Goodwill is horrible obviously they do a lot of good for people and the community I just think the amount of good they do is vastly exaggerated and their is much better ways of helping the community.

Okay really I'm just upset that I never find anything cool or interesting at my local Goodwill's  :(

Well they always have half off sales on specific days, so i guess that sort of balances it out a tad..

Retail Fan+ (Justin Hill)

The Goodwill that is located a few blocks from my apartment in Green Bay, Wisconsin started its life as a BEST Products catalog showroom in 1984, which closed in 1987. It became a Best Buy electronics store in the early 1990s which closed circa 2004. It was a temporary home to a bargain book outlet in 2005. It became a Goodwill store circa 2008.


Tried to donate a very solid, very heavy dresser made of REAL wood.
They rejected it because ONE of the drawer pulls was missing.  A wooden
pull that you can find in any hardware store.

So I said the heck with them and decided to keep it.


Goodwill is pulling the plug on their Lewiston, ME store after 50 years

Retail Fan+ (Justin Hill)

Quote from: TheFugitive on November 20, 2017, 10:52:06 AM
Tried to donate a very solid, very heavy dresser made of REAL wood.
They rejected it because ONE of the drawer pulls was missing.  A wooden
pull that you can find in any hardware store.

So I said the heck with them and decided to keep it.
What I would do if one pull or more is missing, is to replace a pair or all of the drawer pulls.


Quote from: zonemad96 on July 12, 2017, 06:36:23 PM
Okay really I'm just upset that I never find anything cool or interesting at my local Goodwill's  :(

I feel your pain.  The last few times I've been in a Goodwill, I've found nothing that's worth taking home with me.

Retail Fan+ (Justin Hill)

Quote from: busman_49 on March 14, 2018, 06:01:54 AM
Quote from: zonemad96 on July 12, 2017, 06:36:23 PM
Okay really I'm just upset that I never find anything cool or interesting at my local Goodwill's  :(

I feel your pain.  The last few times I've been in a Goodwill, I've found nothing that's worth taking home with me.
One has to go shopping at those places with an open mind. Whatever they sell there today may be gone tomorrow.

Retail Fan+ (Justin Hill)

I now currently work at a Goodwill store. I'm usually in the back room, hanging clothing on Z-carts.

Retail Fan+ (Justin Hill)

Here's Goodwill's cartoon mascot from the 1950s, "Good Willy."


The painted the inside of the Southington, Connecticut Goodwill. Blue and Orange.

No word yet as to when the new one in Plainville, which is being built from the ground up will open.

Retail Fan+ (Justin Hill)

The current Goodwill logo, the smiling lowercase "g," was introduced in 1968. The logo resembles a comedy mask.


Quote from: Brammy on November 01, 2018, 05:08:51 PM
No word yet as to when the new one in Plainville, which is being built from the ground up will open.

The Plainville Goodwill at 349 New Britain Avenue (not 243 New Britain Avenue as the article states) held their Grand Opening on Thursday November 8th. It was built from the ground up. The first building built on what was once known as the "Notorious Chung Property" across New Britain Avenue from the Connecticut Commons Shopping Center.


Mom and I went to the new Goodwill in Plainville today. Two thumbs down. Seemed smaller than Southington. No electronics/small appliances. One very slow moving cashier with a long line. Not good. We won't be back.


Drove by the Goodwill store on PA Route 51 in Whitehall the other day and was
surprised to see that it had closed.   Not really sure why as it always seemed to be
a busy location.  They have a newly constructed store open across from Big Lots
in West Mifflin, but I can't picture everyone who used to shop at that Whitehall
location driving up there.

Retail Fan+ (Justin Hill)

I've noticed upon seeing various pictures and videos of Goodwill thrift stores, that the store designs are different for every U.S. region. The things that remain constant for the stores is that they all take donations, are non-profit organizations, provide employment and job training for people with disabilities, as well providing job training for people with other barriers to employment, and other community-based programs. The smiling "g" logo can be found on the buildings and is featured in the store branding for each region.

Goodwill was founded by the Reverend Edgar J. Helms of the Morgan Methodist Chapel in Boston, Massachusetts in 1902 as part of his ministry to help the less-fortunate.


Goodwill of Southern New England is opening a store in Cheshire, Connecticut. It will be located on Route 10 in the former Pier One Imports location.


Quote from: giantsfan2016 on July 28, 2019, 03:49:01 PM
Goodwill of Southern New England is opening a store in Cheshire, Connecticut. It will be located on Route 10 in the former Pier One Imports location.

My Mom and I went to the new Cheshire Goodwill yesterday. It's very nice. It's larger than the Southington store. They kept the orange ceramic tile flooring that Pier One had. They also have bathrooms open to customers. Their Southington store doesn't let customers use their bathroom.
The Real Brammy

Retail Fan+ (Justin Hill)

The Goodwill stores in Northcentral Wisconsin pride themselves in having such neat, tidy and upscale stores when compared to their competitors in Green Bay, Wisconsin, which include St. Vincent DePaul Thrift Store, The Salvation Army Thrift Store, and Bethesda Thrift Store.

Retail Regents

The Amsterdam, NY location is closing effective December 13th.


The Goodwill in Bristol, Connecticut closed. Prior to the pandemic it was announced that they would be closing in July 2020. There last day ended up being March 16th, the day before everything shut down. While they were close due to the pandemic they moved all their stuff out and took the signs down. Space is still empty.
The Real Brammy

Everything Community

VHS Tapes at the Manchester, CT store as of March 2022


A suburban Pittsburgh Goodwill store had to be evacuated and the bomb squad called in after a hand grenade was found inside the donation bin.

Police determined that the grenade was not live and the all-clear was sounded.