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Board mixup

Started by C. Fontaine, February 12, 2005, 01:17:28 PM

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C. Fontaine

Hey guys, I've noticed many of you have been using the board that was still posted over the location.  I'm sorry for the mixup, but this is supposed to be the right board.  I will move whatever posts were made over there, over here soon, or if you want, you can just start from where you left off on here.  I should have taken that board down as soon as I put this one up, it's my fault.  Anyways, I'm once again really sorry, and I hope this doesn't ruin your posting fun at all, I want these forums to be just as lively as before!  Thanks guys!!!

C. Fontaine

I have moved all the legit overlapping posts from the other board to this one, and I have also fixed the picture problem we have been having.  The ones from when all the board data was originally transferred were not showing up, so I reposted them all.  It took about five hours of editing and reposting:boring:, but it was my responsibility.  Sorry about all the problems, but this was the last of them!  Hope it helps draw all of our frequent posters back!  Take care guys!