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Ridiculous Customer Requests

Started by ynkeesfn82, February 17, 2016, 11:44:57 AM

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I've worked in retail for 15 years. I've thought I've heard every ridiculous customer request. I was however proven wrong on Saturday with a story my boss Gavin told me when he gave me a ride home.

A customer forgot their lamb chops. They called the store and spoke to the Assistant Manager. They asked the Assistant Manager if someone from the store could deliver the lamb chops to their house because it was too cold out for them to go back to the store and get them. ------- Yeah it was cold, but they still went out earlier in the day to the grocery store in the first place. So the Assistant Manager made Gavin deliver the lamb chops to the customer's house. Gavin said the customer was rude - as if it was his fault the customer forgot their lamb chops. - Full disclosure Gavin was not their cashier or bagger. The only good thing was the store gave Gavin $6 for gas.

Anyone else have any ridiculous customer requests?


A lady once walked into my Ames store and insisted that I remove all copies of a video cassette that was for sale in our Sight and Sound department.

It was a VHS cassette of old Public Domain cartoons.  She insisted that the cartoons on this tape
contained hidden messages from the Devil!  She proceeded to load one into a VCR in the department
and repeatedly freeze-frame it, showing me various things in the cartoon which she insisted were
actually hidden messages from Satan.

I of course did not have the authority to remove them from the sales floor, which made her quite upset.
I gave her contact number for the buyers in Rocky Hill and suggested that she contact them.  I never heard
any more about this, so either she never followed-up, or they did and blew her off. 

It was around this same time that some minister down in Ohio was claiming that certain heavy metal records
contained these sorts of messages if you played them backwards.

Obviously Satan's grand plan for world conquest was to plant the idea for the hidden messages in the mind
of some animator back in the 1930's,  have him embed them in his cartoons, and have the studio forget to renew their copyright, so that they would one day end up on a VHS cassette that was for sale to an unsuspecting public in a discount store in East-Central Lower Michigan for $5.95.