Forman Mills

Started by muppethammer26, March 21, 2014, 04:10:56 PM

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Forman Mills is a 28-store chain that sells clothes at a cheap price. Their stores are located in the Mid-Atlantic states as well as Chicago and Detroit areas. I been at one of their stores and most of their clothes are geared towards the hip hop and urban crowds.

Stork of The Weak

Forman Mills has a store in a really odd location in Vineland, NJ. It sits in an industrial park with no other retail businesses, and seems high security (the area is high crime though so it makes sense). But I haven't been to a more uninviting store in my life. This place has only one front door for both entry and exit, with a small window on it, and even once you walk into this store or should I say warehouse, all the merchandise is in aisles off to the right, and your first view looking right is of the back wall of the first aisle. The stockroom for this store is literally the room you first walk into! And it seems creepy that the music played in the store is all from a cheap boombox that was probably contributed by an employee who only donated it to the store to get rid of it.


I'll go get socks or underwear there since they sell em for cheap.
The, not my style lol.


There are several Forman Mills in Philadelphia:

1: Aramingo Avenue (Located in a former Pathmark, and still has the Pathmark look on the front)
2: Grant Avenue, below Roosevelt Boulevard
3: 49th Street, between Market Street and Ludlow Street
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