Retail Management jobs going away

Started by TheFugitive, January 31, 2017, 03:58:38 PM

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I got to thinking about another story on this page about how Kmart has just laid-off large numbers of mid-level management in their stores.

I got out of the retail business nearly twenty years ago.   Really glad I made that decision now because I would NOT want to be looking for a job in that field given the current environment.

The number of store closings and chains going out-of-business has drastically reduced the overall number of job openings.   Things were even getting tight before I left as companies were streamlining and consolidating at store level even then.  (Hills had 4 managers per store when I left.  Just a few years earlier it was 7.  They kept cutting and consolidating job functions into other job titles.  My job, Operations Manager, was basically everything that was not hardlines or softlines.  Literally more than one person could ever do.)

Now, with the vastly reduced numbers of retail chains out there, your options would truly be limited.

I would not want to be one of these folks who just got a layoff notice at Kmart.